*From:* Dave Boyer <xxx@washingtontimes.com>
*Date:* June 30, 2018 at 11:39:00 AM EDT
*Subject:* *Travel pool 3 color on protesters*

From co-pooler Emily Cochrane:

The protestors gathered near the Bedminster golf course, at an intersection outside what appeared to be a public library. Some of them waved at the pool as the vans drove by, or waved their signs.

Signs included:
I really do care you should too #begone
God knows you lie
My civility is locked in a cage / reunite families now accompanied by the drawing of a child behind a chain link fence
Even the Trump family belongs together
Stop racism now
We the people say no to the Trump agenda taped over a rainbow flag.
Mueller aint goin away
Do you know where our children are?

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