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*From:* Francesca Chambers <xxx@mailonline.com>
*Sent:* Thursday, June 7, 2018 12:37 PM
*Subject:* Pool Report #3: Questions -- on North Korea, golf, Rodman etc

The president took a handful of questions from pool mostly related to North Korea.

Heres part one:

What are you doing to prepare for the summit?

I think Im very well prepared. I dont think I have to prepare very much. Its about the attitude. Its about willingness to get things done. But I think Ive been preparing for the summit for a long time. As has the other sideTheyve been preparing for a long time, also. So this isnt a question of preparation, its a question of whether or not people want it to happen, and well know that very quickly.

Question on this being a photo-op with Kim?

Well, its gonna be much more than a photo-op. I think its a process. Ive told you that many times before. I think its not a one meeting deal. It would be wonderful if it were.

Theyve been doing this for a long time. Theyve got a lot of enemies out there. A lot of dislike, a lot of hatred between countries. This will not be just a photo-op. This will be at a minimum, well start with perhaps a good relationship

*Francesca Chambers*

White House Correspondent

*Daily Mail *| 51 Astor Place, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10003




*E: *xxx@mailonline.com

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