*From:* "Korte, Gregory" <xxx@usatoday.com> *Date:* August 10, 2017 at 2:53:07 PM EDT
*Subject:* *Bedminster pool report No. 4 // more North Korea quotes*

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More extended verbatim quotes from President Trump on North Korea, courtesy co-pooler Philip Rucker and local pooler Nick Pugliese of the Bergen Record.

Frankly, the people who were questioning that statement, was it too tough? Maybe it wasnt tough enough. Theyve been doing this to our country for a long time, for many years, and its about time that somebody stuck up for the people of this country and for the people of other countries. So if anything, maybe that statement wasnt tough enough. And were backed 100 percent by our military, were back by everybody and were backed by many other leaders. And I noticed that many senators and others came out today very much in favor of what I said. But if anything that statement may not be tough enough.

Q: What'stougherthan fire and fury? Youll see. Youll see.

Q: Considering a preemptive strike? We dont talk about that. I never do.

What theyve been doing, what theyve been getting away with, is a tragedy and it cant be allowed.

Q: Negotiations? Sure, well always consider negotiations. But theyve been negotiating now for 25 years."

I talk. Somebody has to do it.

Q: Mixed messages vis a vis Secretary of State Tillerson? There were no mixed messages.

Look, heres the view. I said it yesterday. I dont have to say it again. And Ill tell you this, it may be tougher than I said it, not less.

Q: Any assurance to the American people who are anxious about the situation? The people of this country should be very comfortable, and I will tell you this. If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about attack of anybody that we love or we represent or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous. Ill tell you why. And they should be very nervous. Because things will happen to them like they never thought possible, OK? Hes been pushing the world around for a long time."

*Gregory Korte*

White House correspondent


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